ISN ensures that government funds and programs are managed and monitored with the highest level of quality, compliance, and integrity. Fraud, waste, and abuse of government funds and assistance are major burdens for public sector agencies seeking to meet their goals in times of budgetary constraints. Many programs are fraught with significant amount of suspicious spending. An estimated $1 out of every $10 spent on healthcare is attributed to questionable activity. ISN is positioned to support public sector clients in programmatically identifying and eradicating fraud, waste, and abuse from their programs.
Our approach to quality and integrity assurance ensures proper eligibility determinations are made for program participation and access. ISN has a proprietary approach to achieving results and ensuring its clients meet their missions with full compliance. Currently, we are ensuring the integrity of the Department of Housing and Urban Development’s programs by performing QA and compliance review of mortgagees that service properties in agency custody. We are also providing comprehensive Quality Assurance Services to the U.S. Department of Justice to ensure the compliance of Mega 4 contractors in their litigation support services. Our dedication to program integrity and QA ensures that DOJ receives actionable evidence for critical litigation. ISN additionally delivers these QA services to the Securities and Exchange Commission to ensure the quality of litigation support services is of the highest standard and to strengthen the integrity of data associated with investigations.